St. Maurice did exceptionally well at a recent K-6 math contest. Our Grade 6 team ranked 2nd in the province, with Ahaan Timsina placing 6th student overall in Manitoba, and Kyle Zhang placing 8th! Thanks to all of the Grade 6-8 students and teachers who took part. St. John’s Ravenscourt, Spirit of Math Schools, and Acadia Junior High were the strongest competitors from Grades 6-8.
This year’s contests took place online, rather than as paper and pencil contests. We stuck to the principals of fairness that we normally do for paper and pencil contests- no outside help, no searching the internet for solutions, and no sharing answers. Because the contests were online though, and Math League can’t verify that schools didn’t allow a certain amount of cheating, no awards or plaques are being sent out this year. The results will however be posted online for many years, at
Roger Schwegel, our former Phys Ed teacher, used to say about track and field that it is largely a numbers game. By getting as many students involved as possible, we increase our likelihood of placing significantly. This was definitely the case for the Grade 6 class who had a team of 12 students competing. Training for math contests are a great way for students to practice their problem solving skills, and to see themselves as contributing to a team. Thanks so much to everyone who took part. We are very proud of everyone’s efforts and successes.